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Your use of this website constitutes an acceptance of these Terms of Use. If you do not accept these Terms of Use, you must not access the website.

Beaulieu of Australia Pty Ltd ACN 010 727 992 (Beaulieu) may, at its sole discretion, vary or modify these Terms of Use without notice to you. Any subsequent use by you of the website will constitute an acceptance of those modifications.



This website is intended to provide general information only in relation to Beaulieu and its Products.

While the information (including sounds, text and images) on this website is believed to be accurate at the time it is compiled, Beaulieu does not give any warranty, make any representation as to, or accept responsibility for, the accuracy, reliability, timeliness or completeness of the information contained on this website, now or in the future.

The information is provided “as is” without express or implied warranty. Any person viewing these web pages must make their own independent enquiries before relying on any information provided in this website.

To the extent permitted by law, Beaulieu and its directors, employees and agents exclude:

Where any legislation implies any term, representation or warranty into your accessing of this website, and that legislation prohibits exclusion of that term, then that term is included. However, to the extent permitted by that legislation, Beaulieu’s liability for any breach of that term is limited to supplying the Products or services again.


Copyright notice

© Beaulieu of Australia Pty Ltd 2008

This website and its contents are subject to copyright under the laws of Australia and, through international treaties, other countries. The Copyright is owned by Beaulieu or in the case of some of the materials, by third parties.

The material on this website may be downloaded for personal use only and may not be used for any other purpose without the prior written consent of Beaulieu. You must not reproduce, transmit, adapt or otherwise exercise the copyright in the whole or any part of this website except with the prior written consent of Beaulieu.


Trade Mark Notice

This site includes trade marks which are protected by law including but not limited to the Beaulieu logo. Unless otherwise indicated they are owned by Beaulieu in Australia and may be the subject of rights in other countries.

You must not use any of the Beaulieu trade marks or trading names except with the prior written consent of Beaulieu.


Third Party Sites

This web-site may include links to third party sites. Beaulieu is not responsible for the condition or the content of those sites as they are not under the control of Beaulieu. Links to third party sites are provided for convenience only and do not indicate any endorsement of the site or the products or services provided at those sites or by the organisations promoting those sites. You access those sites and use the products or services at those sites solely at your own risk.


Applicable Law

This website (excluding any linked third party sites) is controlled by Beaulieu in Queensland, Australia. By accessing this site, you accept that any disputes about this website or its contents are to be determined by the Courts having jurisdiction in Queensland in accordance with the laws of Queensland.

This website may be accessed throughout Australia and overseas. Beaulieu makes no representation that the content of this website complies with the laws (including intellectual property laws) of any country outside Australia. If you access this site from outside Australia, you do so at your own risk and you are responsible for ensuring compliance with all laws in the place where you are located.